State Show
Information on the Kansas Junior Simmental state show and competitions. The state show will be hosted in Manhattan, KS.
General Information
The 2024 state show will be in conjunction with the AJSA regional in Hutchinson, Kansas. There will be a Kansas only show on June 12th. You will only do AJSA regional contests.
This is a weekend full of showing, educational events, and forming life-long friendships. Cattle check-in will occur on Friday with the Cattlemen's Quiz competition being held that evening.
The state show is a cattle show for all KJSA members to show against each other before going on to a Regional or National show. The KSA Futurity is a part of the show that highlights heifers purchased in Kansas from our Kansas Simmental Association members. The breeders pay a fee for the KJSA member to enter the Futurity. The top Futurity winners receive a cash award.
Over the course of the three day event, KJSA members participate in the cattlemen's quiz, sales talk competition, livestock judging competition, public speaking, showmanship, and a cattle show. Descriptions of each event are listed below.
Entry Form for the 2024 State Show
Please register through
Cattlemen's Quiz/Calvin Drake Genetic Evaluation
The Cattlemen's Quiz is a collection of multiple choice questions, testing your knowledge on the Simmental breed, as well as the beef industry as a whole. Some questions will be related to the sire summary and how to read that information.
Sales Talk
The contestant will need to provide a heifer/cow, either live or an 8x10 photo. Another junior member will hold the live animal during the presentation. The contestant needs to provide the judges with the registration paper for the animal being "sold." No other materials are allowed. Suggested clothing is what you would exhibit your animal in such as jeans and nice shirt.
This contest is an opportunity for contestants to practice their marketing abilities. Contestants should look over their animal's pedigree and familiarize themselves with strengths and weaknesses both physically and on paper, prior to the contest.
Livestock Judging Contest
The judging contest may consist of four to six classes: bulls, cow/calf pairs, steers, keep/cull class, and heifer classes. Each age division gives at least one set of reasons. The contestants are responsible for their own note-taking materials during judging. Suggested materials include a notepad and pencil.
Public Speaking
Contestants will select a topic randomly when they arrive to the preparation room. Contestants are judged on subject knowledge, organization, presentation, response to questions, and general effectiveness. The topics will vary for junior and senior divisions.
Contestants should arrive to the preparation room at the time they are assigned. Contestants will randomly draw a topic at this time. They will then be given 30 minutes to prepare the speech. Each speech should last between 3-7 minutes. The time will be posted throughout the speech to keep the contestant aware.
Dress is business casual as appearance is an important aspect of this competition. Recommended dress is khakis, dress pants, button-up shirts, blouses, skirts, dresses, etc.