Become a member of the Kansas Junior Simmental Association. Find membership information below.
Join the Kansas Junior Simmental Association for great opportunities to learn about the beef industry, make new friends, earn scholarships, and participate in our annual state show!
Membership Dues
Dues consist of a one-time membership fee of $25.00. The membership is from the age of 8 years to the age of 21 years (age as of January 1st).
*An AJSA membership is not the same thing as a KJSA membership.
To apply for membership please fill out the form below with your name, birth date, address, phone number, email address, and parent's name. To finalize your membership please mail your $25.00 membership fee to KJSA c/o Troy & Nicole Marple 9450 Michaels Road Westmoreland, KS 66549.
If you have any questions please call or email our advisers with the information below.
Troy & Nicole Marple: (785) 250-0521 (Nicole) or (785) 250-0522 (Troy)
Sarah Goss (785) 472-8914